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CNC PCB Milling! Getting Started.


There is nothing better than having a custom PCB available for your projects.  It makes everything neat, easy and it looks awesome!

I have made a video series on using a professional service to have PCB made for your projects and it turned out great.

The only problem is the time it takes to receive it, if you want it fast it will cost you, if you want it cheap then you’ll have to wait weeks before getting it.

Also when designing a PCB you can make mistakes, and you will only find these out once you receive the PCB, which means you will have to fix the problems and wait again, plus pay again…

In the past I’ve used the chemical method to Etch my PCB, but this is messy still pretty expensive and you’re dealing with pretty harsh chemicals.

So this time I will try my hands at CNC milling my own PCB design before sending them to a professional service if I need more than one.

I got myself a small X-Carve from Inventable, I ordered the smallest one 500x500mm because I won’t be making PCB bigger than that, and also wanted the machine to be as rigid as possible.

CNC milling PCB is new to me, I’ve seen a lot of video on YouTube, but I want to create a step by step way to create PCB that will be easy and ready to go when I need one, which is why this machine will be setup exclusively for PCB milling and nothing else.

I’m hoping you will follow this video series and find out with me the process and mistakes that will happen along the way!



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