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Let’s make a Countdown timer like in the Movies!

Writer's picture: Brainy-BitsBrainy-Bits


There is something about Countdown Timers that reminds me of many scenes in movies, and when I see one I can’t help to think about the tv series 24, or Mission Impossible.

In this tutorial we will use a 8 digits 7 segment module to display the countdown, a buzzer to make the tick sound and a button to start the countdown.

The code below will work for up to a 24 hours countdown.



8 Digits 7 Segment Module

Passive Buzzer Module

Arduino UNO

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The Button is connected to Pin 5.

We connect the Passive Buzzer Module to Pin 3.

And the 7 segment module is connected to Pin 10 (DIO), Pin 11 (SCK) and Pin12 (RCK).



The hardest part of this tutorial is to format the Countdown value so that it represent time and not just a number counting down.

For example if we start with this number: 1640155

The way we breakdown the number in our code is : HHMMSSS

So our number represent: 16 hours, 40 minutes 15 seconds and 5 tenths of a second.

So if we start decreasing the number, at some point we will get to this number:

1640003 – 1640002 – 1640001 – 1640000 – 1639999

Now 163999 doesn’t represent time: 16 hours, 39 minutes, 99 seconds and 9 tenths of a second.

So we need to detect these incorrect 9’s in our code to change them to a correct time number.

We can do this by first converting our number to a string, and then detect those 9’s at a certain position and then decrease our number accordingly.

For example: 1639999 – 400 = 1639599.

1639599 converts to: 16 hours, 39 minutes, 59 seconds and 9 tenths of a second, which is correct.

Now granted the code below is a little more complicated than in our previous tutorials, but if you go line by line you should be able to graps the logic behind it.

As always please watch our tutorial video for more information and to better understand the process.

We use the passive buzzer to make the ticking sound at each second, and the alarm sound when the countdown reaches zero.

The button is used to get the countdown started.

As always please watch our Tutorial video for more information.

//Countdown Timer Sketch

#define LATCH  12  //pin 12 connect to RCK
#define CLOCK  11  //pin 11 connect to SCK
#define DATA   10  //pin 10 connect to DIO
#define BUZZ    3  //pin 3  connect to Buzzer
#define BUTTON  5  //pin 5 connect to Button
#define LEFT   0  // define the value for left justify
#define RIGHT  1  // define the value for right justify

int buzztrig = 9; //Trigger counter for Buzzer
String mystring; //Save Counter Value to a String
unsigned long value = 2000000; // Countdown value: HHMMSSS

// array to activate particular digit on the 8x7segment module
// it is the common anode of 7 segment
byte anode[8] = { 0b10000000,  //digit 1 from right
                    0b01000000,  //digit 2 from right
                    0b00100000,  //digit 3 from right
                    0b00010000,  //digit 4 from right
                    0b00001000,  //digit 5 from right
                    0b00000100,  //digit 6 from right
                    0b00000010,  //digit 7 from right
                    0b00000001   //digit 8 from right                                         

//array for decimal number, it is the cathode.
//logic low will activate the particular segment
byte cathode[12] = {0b11000000,  // 0
                    0b11111001,  // 1
                    0b10100100,  // 2
                    0b10110000,  // 3
                    0b10011001,  // 4
                    0b10010010,  // 5
                    0b10000010,  // 6
                    0b11111000,  // 7
                    0b10000000,  // 8
                    0b10010000,  // 9  
                    0b01111111,  //dot                  
                    0b11111111   //blank
//fucntion to send the serial data out to two 74HC595 serial to parallel shift register and activate the 7 segment.                  
void display8x7segment(byte datapin, byte clockpin, byte latchpin, byte digit, byte number)
    digitalWrite(latchpin, LOW);
    shiftOut(datapin, clockpin, MSBFIRST, digit); // clears the right display
    shiftOut(datapin, clockpin, MSBFIRST, number); // clears the left display
    digitalWrite(latchpin, HIGH);  

//function to display value on 8x7 segment display according to the justify state
void displayNumber8x7segment(byte justify, unsigned long value)

   byte decimal[8] = {0};   
   value = value % 100000000;  //ensure the value is within 8 digits only
   decimal[7] = value / 10000000;  //extract digit 7 from value
   value = value % 10000000;       //extract the rest of 7 digit value
   decimal[6] = value / 1000000;
   value = value % 1000000;
   decimal[5] = value / 100000;
   value = value % 100000;
   decimal[4] = value / 10000;
   value = value % 10000;
   decimal[3] = value / 1000;
   value = value % 1000;
   decimal[2] = value / 100;
   value = value % 100;
   decimal[1] = value / 10;
   decimal[0] = value % 10;
   byte zero = 0;
   if (justify == RIGHT)
     for(byte e = 8; e  > 0 ; e --)
       if(zero == 0)
         if(decimal[e-1] != 0)          
           display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, anode[e-1], cathode[decimal[e-1]]);
           zero = 1;     
       else display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, anode[e-1], cathode[decimal[e-1]]);
   else  //if justify == left
     byte d = 0;     
     for(byte e = 8; e > 0; e --)
       if(zero == 0)
         if(decimal[e-1] != 0)         
           display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, anode[7], cathode[decimal[e-1]]);
           zero = 1;
           d ++;     
         display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, anode[7-d], cathode[decimal[e-1]]);
         d ++;
void setup() {
  pinMode(LATCH, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZ, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH); //Wake Up Display 
  digitalWrite(BUZZ, LOW);  //Buzzer Off
  digitalWrite(BUTTON, HIGH); // Button Low  
  delay(1000);  //delay for 1 second

void loop(){ 
  //Wait for button press to start Countdown
  while(digitalRead(BUTTON) == HIGH){
  displayNumber8x7segment(RIGHT, value);  //display the Countdown Start value
  for (value; value != -1; value --)
    for(byte i = 9; i > 0; i --) // Adjust i=x to speed up or slow time
      String mystring = String(value); //Transform Counter Int to String
      //Do time Offset 
      for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++){
        if ( mystring.substring(z) == "99999" ) {
          value = (value - 40000);

        if ( mystring.substring(z) == "999" ) {
          value = (value - 400);
      displayNumber8x7segment(RIGHT, value);  //display the value in right justify format      
    // Countdown is Finished? Sound Alarm
    if (value == 0) {
     for(byte k = 0; k < 11; k++)
      for (int j = 0; j < 80; j++) // Buzzer frequency sound 1
      digitalWrite (BUZZ, HIGH) ;// Buzzer On
      delay (1) ;// Delay 1ms
      digitalWrite (BUZZ, LOW) ;// Buzzer Off
      delay (1) ;// delay 1ms
    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) // Buzzer frequency sound 2
      digitalWrite (BUZZ, HIGH) ;// Buzzer On
      delay (2) ;// delay 2ms
      digitalWrite (BUZZ, LOW) ;// Buzzer Off
      delay (2) ;// delay 2ms
      display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, 0xff, cathode[0]);  //activate all digit  // Put ALL zeros
      display8x7segment(DATA, CLOCK, LATCH, 0xff, cathode[11]); // Blank Display
    //Countdown Tick sound
    if (buzztrig == 0){
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // Buzzer frequency sound
        digitalWrite (BUZZ, HIGH) ;// Buzzer On
        delay (2) ;// Delay 2ms
        digitalWrite (BUZZ, LOW) ;// Buzzer Off
        delay (1) ;// delay ms
    buzztrig = 9; //  Trigger for countdown sound
      else {
        buzztrig = buzztrig - 1;





Copy and paste the above code in the Arduino IDE to program your Arduino.



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